Development Environment
Within Recognize you are not forced to use a certain editor during development. There are however subscriptions in place for the following products which you can use:
- Jetbrains editors, such as:
- IntelliJ (Java)
- PhpStorm (PHP)
- PyCharm (Python)
- Etc..
- Visual Studio Enterprise
You can get a valid license for one of the editors above by contacting the IT department.
If you wish to use a different editor, you are free to do so. However, there are a few requirements:
- In case of a commercial license the IT department must have acquired the license for you. While waiting for delivery of a license by the IT department, you are allowed to use a trial version.
- In case of an open-source license it must be a license that can be used freely in a commercial environment and does not hold Recognize to any obligations regarding its use during development.
- It is not allowed to transfer Recognize proprietary source code to a non-approved third party. Cloud editors, unless approved by the IT department, are therefore prohibited.
Local development can only take place on a computer that is company owned and under control of the IT department or, in the case of external developers, pre-approved by the IT department. This ensures that the correct policies are in place in case of a stolen or misplaced device. It is prohibited to store and/or edit source code on a privately owned device.